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11 DIY Diversion Safe Ideas (Save Money by Making Your Own)

Got valuables you'd like to stash away in a DIY homemade diversion-safe DIY? How to make your own, as well as lots of other options.

Discovery Channel used to have a series called It Takes a Thief where two reformed robbers were filmed breaking into a willing participant’s house so that the homeowners could see all of their property's security flaws and weaknesses.

rope with heart locks on it with text overlay "how to create a diversion safe"Watching this show made me realize that we have no strategy to hide our important documents, jewelry, or cash in our house.

Of course…this is mainly due to the fact that we don’t really have lots of valuable jewelry, lots of important documents, or cash just lying around.

But between now and when we build a small fortune large enough that we feel the need to keep cash everywhere (ha!)? I do have a college diploma, some important-looking papers, and a USB flash drive with all of my future articles that could use a good hiding place.

That's when I started researching diversion-safe ideas.

What is a Diversion Safe?

A diversion safe is a safe you can use at home or keep on you, where you can stash your valuables (jewelry, money, important documents) in plain sight.

That's because the safe itself creates a diversion – it looks like a commonly used, and non-valuable household item.

With burglars looking for common hiding places, they're more likely to pass a diversion safe over than, say, your desk drawer.

Homemade Diversion Safe DIY

You can purchase home security money safes (diversion safes), and I've linked to several great ones below.

But I thought it would be more frugal and fun to think of ones to make on your own!

And once you start brainstorming hiding places? You’ll probably start looking at everything in your home as a potential diversion safe.

Suddenly a toaster becomes a super stealth cash pan, a broken computer monitor from the 1990s becomes the most valuable asset in your garage instead of an eyesore, and even your VHS tapes start to shine again.

It’s quite fun.

Here are a few of my ideas as well as some I have found around the web.

  1. Stick Deodorant: You can remove the top part of most deodorants in order to store something in the hollowed-out canister. I tried this out by using a small screwdriver to pry open the top after my husband Paul finished using his deodorant stick. You may wish to use a new stick in order to further confuse the burglar in case they happen to look in your toiletries closet (not likely).
  2. Book Safe: Instead of getting rid of/donating that book you really didn’t enjoy, make it into a diversion safe. This article is a great how-to (with photos). Think about all of the possibilities!
  3. Soup Can Safe: You can make this out of any canned food after eating the contents (and cleaning the can out unless you want your valuables to smell like beef stew).
  4. Tennis Ball: Slit open one of these and put some valuables inside. The slit is unnoticeable unless someone squeezes the ball.
  5. Ballpoint Pen: Unscrew your pen, take the ink cartridge out, and roll up a small amount of cash very tightly in order to fit it inside.
  6. Hollowed-Out Log: This is mainly for people who have fireplaces and/or fire pits (if you don’t, it would look suspicious). Pick a log according to the size that you need, and hollow out the center part. Keep the log in a basket by your fireplace, in a broken fireplace, or somewhere where no one will try to burn it.
  7. Child’s Toy: If you have children, choose a stuffed animal that your child will not mind if you use. Slit a hole in the back of the stuffed animal, and use this space to store any valuables. Store this stuffed animal on a shelf that your child cannot reach. Since there are not generally electronics, money, or valuables in a child’s room, it is a great place to hide something (as long as your own child will not find it).
  8. Behind an Unused Light Switch: This would be a good area to stash some jewelry. If you do not have any broken light switches, you can also install a dummy light switch for relatively little money.
  9. In an Old Shoe: If you have an old pair of shoes you don’t want anymore, remove the insole and stash something in the bottom. Lay the insole back on top. You can also hollow out the heel from the inside for a larger space.
  10. Inside a VCR: Okay…we still have one of these. You could put a stash in a small cigar-like box and put it into the VCR like a tape (or in an old VHS tape – see below).
  11. Your Attic: A burglar only has so long to get in and out of your home. Think about stashing your valuables at the outer ends of your attic, especially if your attic is not easily accessible.

Affordable Diversion Safes You Can Buy

Maybe creating your own diversion safe isn't for you. No worries – there are tons of affordable diversion safes you can buy.

And honestly? I cannot BELIEVE how realistic these diversion safes look – they're so convincing, that I included a photo of each one.

Regular Diversion Safes for Home & Travel

Diversion Safe #1: Can of Campbell's Soup

regular can of Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup but as Diversion safe on store shelf

This looks just like a can of Campbell's soup. And who would think that there'd be money or jewelry stashed away in a can of that?

Diversion Safe #2: Liquid Wrench Can

Ever thought about putting some of your valuables in a locked garage, inside a diversion safe? I sure wouldn't touch a liquid wrench can (you might even want to make it appear kind of dirty. I know the old bottles of stuff we have in our garage all look pretty worn/used).

Diversion Safe #3: Diversion Safe Belt

Here's a belt where you can hide money (good for travel, as well).

Diversion Safe #4: Hairbrush

This one includes a Stash It bag so that you can also hide your jewelry without it rattling around when someone picks it up (that would be a dead giveaway!). And since everyone packs a hairbrush when they travel, this one would be great to travel with. You can fit 30 rolled-up bills inside.

Diversion Safe #5: Lint Brush

People definitely travel with lint brushes, and I like how this one is also functional. That gives you one more layer of protection in case someone actually wants to use your lint brush!

Please remember to make a mental note of your hiding places as you do not want to forget them and donate or throw out something much more valuable than an old suitcase.

Also, please make sure your family members are made aware of these hiding places so that they do not accidentally throw them away, burn them up, or sell them on Craigslist.

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Amanda L Grossman

Personal Finance Writer and CEO at Frugal Confessions, LLC
Amanda L. Grossman is a writer and Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI®), Plutus Foundation Grant Recipient, and founder of Frugal Confessions. Over the last 13 years, her money work has helped people with how to save money and how to manage money. She's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger, Washington Post, U.S. News & World Report, Business Insider, LifeHacker, Real Simple Magazine, Woman's World, Woman's Day, ABC 13 Houston, Keybank, and more. Read more here or on LinkedIn.


Sunday 22nd of January 2023

If a house gets burglarized, thieves many times sweep things off of shelves and out of cabinets onto the floor. Dresser drawers are dumped or tipped over. Make certain the stealth can or container will not open if thrown on the floor.

Amanda L Grossman

Thursday 26th of January 2023

Great advice, Judy! Thanks so much for sharing (and let's hope none of us have our DIY diversion safes tested...).

Tuesday 5th of November 2013

Amazing! This blog looks exactly like my old one! It's on a completely different subject but it has pretty much the same layout and design. Great choice of colors!


Sunday 13th of February 2011

You just gave the theives all the good hiding places!


Friday 28th of January 2011

My dog is certainly my first line of defense. She's actually afraid of pretty much everything but she makes up for it by making a lot of noise.

The problem in my house would be that my wife doesn't like having to remember things like the the money hiding places. She'd probably write them down somewhere. That would be kind of like giving the burglars directions to the cash (not that we keep much cash around anyway).


Wednesday 26th of January 2011

Interesting ideas! I have my places too. My first line of defense is a dog. He is not ferocious, but he will sneak up on you and scare you!