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Welcome to The Debt Busting Challenge!

Welcome to the Free Debt Busting Challenge!

You found my little corner of the web where I help you hack away at your debts, in the smartest way possible.

And by “smartest”? I mean, in the way that's going to cost you the least amount of money.

Below, find all the resources you need to take this 5-day challenge.

Get off your creditors' timeline. Take back control of your debt. Start early debt payoff TODAY. Join the FREE Debt Busting Challenge! https://www.frugalconfessions.com/dbc-sign-up

Take it one day at a time, and see if you can't get a plan together for how to get out of debt faster than expected.

Debt Busting Challenge Day #1

Imagine trying to eat a family dinner in the dark.

True, it might work for posh LA restaurants where you stay seated as they serve you your meal several inches from your face. But if you're at home with family and need someone to pass the mashed potatoes, you're probably going to end up with a slippery floor (not to mention looking like my 7-month-old after I hand over the spoon and jar of pureed butternut squash).

It can be done. But it's not efficient.

This is Day #1 of the Debt Busting Challenge, and it's all about turning the overhead fluorescent can't-hide-anything-now lights on.

If you get nothing else from this challenge than confronting each of your debts − knowing how much they currently are, what their interest rate is, and what the minimum payment is − then you will be further along than the 62% of Americans who don't know how much student loan debt they have (let them carve a roast chicken in the dark!).

Listen Up for your Challenge:

Resources You'll Need to Complete Today's Challenge: 

P.S. Looking for more? I'm running the Debt Busting Challenge for 30 Days on Pinterest! Each day there will be three pins: a Money Mindset Shift, a Debt Challenge, and a Debt-Free Inspiration Story. Follow the board and repin if you're in.

Debt Busting Challenge Day #2

Your creditors and you likely don't see eye to eye.

You see, they have a clear path that they've set you on course for. And it includes ways to keep you paying on your debt for as long as possible because that means they'll make more money off of you in the form of interest payments.

Your creditors have a clear path that they've set you on course for, keeping your debt for as long as possible. Share on X

But you probably have a completely different idea of when you'd like to be out of debt (um, how about yesterday?).

In order to get you working towards your own Debt Freedom Date that you choose for yourself, we need to first see your creditors' timetable.

Watch to Take the Challenge:

Resources You'll Need to Complete the Challenge: 

P.S. Super important. Did you receive a #NUM! error after filling in your debt information? Then it's actually a blessing you're taking this free mini-course because this error means that you're not paying enough each month to actually ever get out of debt. Take that information, and start playing around with the numbers to get to a point where you're sending in enough  money each month to actually get your debt paid off! 

Debt Busting Challenge Day #3

Yesterday might have been an intensely scary day for you. Your creditors' timetable probably doesn't look anything like the one you envisioned for yourself, and if you don't know that there can be a different way, then you're likely to not take any action to get there.

And I want you to take action − that's what's going to make the changes necessary to change your Debt Freedom Date.

That's why today I'm here to give you hope.

You're not stuck paying off that debt according to your creditors' timetable. Share on X

Let me show you what I mean.

Resources You'll Need to Complete the Challenge:

P.S. Looking for more? I'm running the Debt Busting Challenge for 30 days on Pinterest! Each day there will be three pins: a Money Mindset Shift, a Debt Challenge, and a Debt-Free Inspiration Story. Follow the board and repin if you're in.

Debt Busting Challenge Day #4

My father likes to joke with me. On occasion, he’ll teasingly say, “Do you know what they call the bottom half of the Harvard class?” The answer, of course, is doctor.

Doing the minimum in school gets you across that graduation threshold at the same time as everyone else and with the same title.

Sometimes it can make sense to do the bare minimum.

But not with paying off debt.

Why is that?

Paying the minimum on your debt will ensure your wings stay clipped for a long time.

We saw yesterday that sending in more than the bare minimum to your creditors will definitely affect your Debt Freedom Date in a very positive way.

But where are you supposed to find any extra money to pay more than just the minimum?

Take the Cash Flow Booster Challenge:

Are you a Small Biz Owner like myself? Here's your Cash Flow Booster Challenge:

Resources You'll Need to Complete the Challenge:

P.S. Looking for more? I'm running the Debt Busting Challenge for 30 days on Pinterest! Each day there will be three pins: a Money Mindset Shift, a Debt Challenge, and a Debt-Free Inspiration Story. Follow the board and repin if you're in.

Debt Busting Challenge Day #5

You’ve got 1,440 minutes today, and I’d like you to take just one to envision this:

  • Getting back to the right side of Zero {by getting to a point where you can add lots of zeroes to the left of that stubborn decimal point}
  • Freeing up cash in your paycheck to save towards what makes your heart flutter
  • Donating and giving freely to others without thinking twice
  • Ditching that nasty aftertaste called “buyer’s remorse” because you can truly afford it {whatever it is}
  • Ending the debt atonement cycle forevah

When Paul {my husband, partner-in-crime, and all-around buddy} and I sat down for our first Debt Meeting of the Minds, we didn’t know HOW we were going to get out of our remaining debt – half of our original balance of $59,496 – before getting married. Especially since we were only a bride’s blush away from walking down the aisle. But we knew that we needed to start our marriage off on the right foot.

So we sheepishly flicked our debt-free intentions out there, and guess what? They stuck.

If you don’t know HOW you are going to get out of debt before the end of next century – like us, you just know that you NEED to get out of debt while reality TV is still à la mode – then you’re in luck.

We navigated our debt potholes on our own and came out well-versed in how to get out of debt jail years (10, to be exact) earlier than money-hungry creditors wanted us to be. But you know what? It would have been nice if there had been the kind of course I just created available to us back then.

The Debt Manipulator 3.0 is the third way to pay off debt.

Interested in learning more?

I know Jenny was, and she was able to hack 10 years (your eyes have not failed you – I speak in years, not months!) off her debt repayment from the first debt manipulator alone. Alice wanted to learn more as well, and she’s now sitting pretty at 8 years of delicious debt freedom tacked onto the end of her repayment terms instead of staring down the debt hole another 8 birthdays, 8 holidays, and 8 cycles of 365 days (that’s a whole lotta awesomeness).

Folks, they didn’t achieve these results from pulling all-nighters with second or third jobs, nor by staging an eBay fire sale on their digital front lawns. Jenny and Alice achieved this by simply changing the way that they send in their minimum credit card payments each month!

See what The Debt Manipulator 3.0 can do for your debt.

Because that’s what really matters, right?

Watch this video (includes info on a special bonus created for Small Biz Owners):

P.S. Looking for more? I'm running the Debt Busting Challenge for 30 days on Pinterest! Each day there will be three pins: a Money Mindset Shift, a Debt Challenge, and a Debt-Free Inspiration Story. Follow the board and repin if you're in.

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Amanda L Grossman

Personal Finance Writer and CEO at Frugal Confessions, LLC
Amanda L. Grossman is a writer and Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI®), Plutus Foundation Grant Recipient, and founder of Frugal Confessions. Over the last 13 years, her money work has helped people with how to save money and how to manage money. She's been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger, Washington Post, U.S. News & World Report, Business Insider, LifeHacker, Real Simple Magazine, Woman's World, Woman's Day, ABC 13 Houston, Keybank, and more. Read more here or on LinkedIn.